Frequently Asked Questions

We can help you lower your direct and indirect costs as well as improve quality and turnaround. We purchase our materials on a large scale, plus we operate in an area of competitive tax base and cost of living. This translates to an overall lower cost of doing business, which makes our pricing very competitive.
We believe we can offer lower total costs; that is the cost of your parts or assemblies as well as the costs of ordering, maintaining, scheduling, quality etc. We are able to offer a greater depth to our customers, given our wide range of services.
We're a smart, experienced team of hard workers who understand the economic reality of the American manufacturing environment. We are a private company that answers to our customers, not our shareholders. We know we have to deliver value to the users of our products and services . . . or someone else will.
We can hold tolerances as close as 0.001" during our metal stamping operations. This tolerance will vary depending on the part, design, material and other factors.
We will stamp most metals and alloys specified by the customer. We most often process steel products including cold rolled, hot rolled, galvanized, stainless steel, high strength low alloy, aluminum, brass and copper.
Edmar excels in producing assemblies that require multiple metal fabricating operations and finishing. That part can be intricate or simple. Our customer volumes typically run 200 to 250,000 per year.
We will fabricate a part down to 0.003".
We can effectively service clients east of the Rockies.
Depends on the nature of your project. With straight metal stamping, we tend to be most cost effective from 5,000 to 250,000 parts per year.
Yes, for clients with a worldwide production network, Edmar offers global contract manufacturing for dual sourced parts, components and assemblies.
We have you covered. Sourced globally or in the US, Edmar can warehouse and release your components in a Kanban, sequenced or JIT scenario against your blanket orders.
We can deliver a more retail ready product to your doorstep - or your customer's doorstep. Edmar handles all the details, from made-to-print manufacturing to fabrication and packaging.